SRK’s smoking habits land him in trouble!

Superstar Shahrukh Khan’s smoking habits have got him into trouble yet again. At a recent IPL match in Jaipir, the actor was seen smoking in public and apparently this irked the director of Jaipur Cricket Academy who has now filed a case against the actor. The official complaint which was filed by Anand Singh Rathore said “Smoking publicly is banned in Rajasthan since 2000. However, Shah Rukh Khan was smoking publicly in front of thousands of spectators. The actor was broadcast live while smoking on the TV channel which was showing the match”

The complaint was also about the fact that SRK was allowed to carry his packets of cigarettes inside the stadium whereas common people were not even allowed to carry water bottles. The matter will be heard in the court on April 12th. SRK has been known to be chain smoker and even though he tried quitting smoking for his daughter he could not succeed.

Should an action be taken against SRK for smoking in public? Or is he being targeted only because he is a celebrity?

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